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Release Notes for Version 4.0.0
To accommodate our ever increasing population, the beta world has two new cities: the Freehold of Vorridgard on the ice island, and the Safehold of Berrenhold on Tyrranth Minor, complete with its own outskirts and five hamlets.
When you die, instead of leaving a corpse you will now leave a lootable grave marker that contains any items you dropped. Also, graves shouldn't get lost after the server has been cycled or crashes.
You can now adjust particle effect density with the Preferences HUD.
A Lot more sounds have been integrated with characters and objects.
Performance Improvements and Fixes
We've made a significant optimization to how the game server handles timers which has been the biggest culprit behind "spe a prioritization system so that more important timers (like those relating to melee powers) get processed quickly and don't have to wait on stuff like building maintenance or corpse decay for example.
When you die, instead of leaving a corpse you will now leave a lootable grave marker that contains any items you dropped. This should substantially reduce the polycount for large battles.
Made a tweak to Win32 clients that may help improve CPU utilization.
Made a number of optimizations to character motion code (in particular, characters off screen no longer get motion blended).
You can now adjust terrain settings from within the preferences HUD.
Fixed 2 bugs that could have produced huge bounding spheres, causing particle effects to render/update even when not on screen (this should help with the "I'm staring at the ground but my poly count is still really high" issue).
Crash Fixes

Fixed a couple of client crashes associated with bad textures.
Fixed a bug that could cause a client crash after a second login/logout.
Fixed a client crash when ctrl-clicking on a button, then ctrl clicking on activate, then clicking on activate.
Fixed client crash when clicking on Race and class runes in character creation.
Fixed a client crash associated with turning on music.
Fixed a Mac Client crash associated with trading.
Graphical/Cosmetic Improvements and Fixes

Shadows will now blend/fade correctly.
Adjusted the trajectory of the sun and moon to provide more contrast in the shadowing of characters and buildings.
Adjusted the color and transparency of water settings in the oceans, forests and swamps.
Increased the detail level of all trees and terrain objects (no more blocky/pixilated trees at the horizon!).
Adjusted the ambient and direct light and fog settings for many zones.
Increased the contrast of the cloud layer.
Tweaked the lighting and fog settings to provide a much better visual effect for dusk and dawn.
Also tweaked the lighting and fog settings for nighttime (primarily the ambient light of the moon.)
Added a flickering torch light effect to braziers, torches, camp fire, etc.
Changed the light settings of many of the torches and braziers to produce more of a red or orange glow.
Fixed a problem which caused characters to "jitter" in their animations. This was also causing some strange blinking effects on the polygons of many characters, most of which should be removed now.
Fixed a clipping problem with the upper legs of the base human model and all semi-human derivatives. (no more holey underwear!)
Made a fix that may help with the "terrain seam" issue.
Reworked a lot of HUDs.
Fixed a bug that was causing shields to clip when equipped.
Fixed a bug associated with changing scale when equipping/unequipping items.
We've made lots of cosmetic changes to many zones.
2 handed hammers, picks and axes have more appropriate swing animations now.
Fixed the "skewed texture" issue that was introduced a couple of builds back causing some textures to look smeared.
Fixed the placement icon for the new Siege Tent.
Fixed the icons for several armor and weapons.
Arrows and Bolt should now fly straight.
Dwarves and Half-Giants have had their proportions adjusted.
If you unequip a piece of clothing before becoming visible, it should no longer remain faded if you appear before putting it back on.
The barred helm should now be fixed to not remove your head when equipped.
Power/Spell Fixes

Attack rating for powers will now show up in the power mouseover.
Fixed a problem where others were not seeing the initial power particles and where the transit particles for bolts that miss were not being seen by others.
Blood boil should be useable on NPC's again.
Stuns should be working again.
Casting off of and onto walls should be more reliable now.
Fixed a bug where some casting animations would cycle endlessly until interrupted with a move or other social.
Fixed a bug with tracking where you were getting things in your target list you shouldn't (like player corpses when tracking players).
Fixed a bug where teleporter powers were checking line of sight on the server when they weren't supposed to (causing the power to fail but appear to take your mana anyway).
A charmed mob can no longer be recharmed. You will loose your command rod if you try to charm something that is already charmed.
Prereqs in power mouseovers now show powerprereq levels using the RankDescriptive name and percentage instead of just the percentage.
Fixed a bug that would cause the client to appear to have taken mana when a power fails to cast on a mob or character that's immune.
Fixed a stacking issue with Flesh of Granite and Flesh of Lead.
Fixed descriptions on a number of powers that didn't have them or were incorrect.
Recall Scrolls now have a casting time.
Spell effects should no longer go off on whoever you have targeted when summoning a pet.
You should now get a message when successfully stealing items.
Peek target's inventory will no longer randomly close.
NPC & Pet Fixes

Treants are no longer immobile.
We've made some tweaks to mob pursuit pathfinding.
Trainer dialogues should be working now. Hamlet Runemasters also now have a lot of new, helpful dialogue.
Pets should no longer try to protect you from yourself (i.e. they won't attack any more if you nuke yourself).
Pets now display their owner's name overhead.
Vendors now have something to say.
Mobs shouldn't be trying so hard to predict where they think you're running to anymore.
The Elven Archer in Eglar Furinan won't respawn quite so quickly anymore.
Trainers should no longer offer duplicate training options.
Sages can now buy, junk and repair staves.
Artillery Captains have been buffed.
Newbie vendors no longer look like a Star Trek Away team.
Newbie vendors now shouldnt run out of gold.
Fixed a bug causing Guard Captains to instantly respawn.
Safehold and Hamlet vendors should no longer buy or sell items for 100% value.
There's now a Seamstress in Silverlance (Robe junkies rejoice!).
Shape shifted models now have their missing animations (such as sit).
Hamlet guards will now exercise extreme prejudice to keep their hamlets clear of interloping NPC's.
Corrected the horrible misspelling of Shifty Jerrik's name.
The Giant Hydra's model has been fixed.
Harpies and Manticores should no longer be invisible.
The Shadow NPC's bone lengths and missing parts have been fixed.
The Fiend model (as used for the Wizard pets) should be fixed.
Fixed a graphical problem with zombies.
Fixed a problem with skeletons where parts would seem to disappear depending on the camera angle.
The Winged Devil is now using the correct skeleton.
Many monsters ate their wheaties, and have grown in visual size.
Guild/City Fixes

Errant players can no longer drop Bane Circles.
All Fortress Assets (Towers and Barracks) should now properly inherit the TOL's Condemn list. They will also still check their own list additionally however.
Guild Leader's can now transfer Leadership.
You can now see the guilds motto on the guild info HUD.
Guild charters should no longer linger around after being used.
Changed the format of guild chat to put titles after names in brackets.
Deleted characters will now be removed from Guild rosters.
Guild marks should now update properly.
Fixed the empty message you got when successfully joining a guild.
Fixed a bug where buildings weren't being removed from the TOL's support list when destroyed.
Fixed a bug where the Tree wouldn't show its nation crest after its owning guild had sworn in another guild.
Fixed a bug that would cause errant players that spawned at a Ruins to be joined to the Ruins' guild.
Building Fixes

Building maintenance should only activate according to its proper schedule now.
7th rank buildings now get a 3rd hireling slot.
Furniture is now turned back into deeds and put in the building owner's bank box if a building upgrades or downgrades and its mesh changes.
Fixed an issue where certain walls and tent ceilings weren't fading properly.
If a building is in the process of upgrading and gets downgraded (such as via damage) the upgrade timer is cleared and the funds spent for the upgrade are refunded.
Fixed a bug that was preventing your location to be saved when logging out from an Inn or building you own.
Fixed a bug that prevented the bane circle from doing normal building placement checks (which was allowing bane circles to be placed in walls).
Should be a bit harder to get stuck in the Menhir in Gwenmoot.
The trainers that were on top of the wall temple in Silverlance are now down inside the building where they belong.
Fixed some buildings that had region problems causing odd behavior when players went up or down stairs.
Trainers should be loading in their correct locations in the Forest Sanctuary now.
Fixed wall fading issues with a number of buildings.
All houses, estates and villas have proper construction and destruction versions now.
Fixed some issues with being able to see into tents.
Gatehouse health now appropriately increases with rank.
You can now slot archers into Gatehouses.
Fixed a few issues that could keep props and furniture from properly loading in buildings.
Misc Fixes

Graves shouldn't get lost after the server has been cycled or crashes.
Made a number of fixes for Sound on the Mac Client.
Safe Mode will no longer be applied if you log back in quick enough to return to where you left.
Weight shown in inventory window is now correct.
Fixed an issue where pressing return just before a screen is displayed rendered some screens useless.
Made a number of fixes for saving the settings made with the Prefs HUD.
Fixed a couple of memory leaks including one associated with screenshots.
Fixed a problem where you could get 'Unknown' resistances on magic items.
Fixed a problem with some of the random number curves that was affecting a number of factors such as treasure drops, hireling item production, weapon procs and other things.
Fixed See Invis treasure mods (of the Sidhe, etc.).
Minotaurs can no longer wear robes.
The Intro Movies should now be playing for the Mac Client.
Swimming will no longer allow you to go underground.
Map icons that are automatically generated now have mipmaps.
/# commands are now restricted.
First names now must be at least 3 characters long as well as start and end with a letter of the alphabet. Also many special characters, especially punctuation and numbers, are no longer allowed.
Fixed a bug where in the building placement hud an assets limits could change if the character moved sometimes giving a false positive green box for placement when it actually overlaps another asset.
Sale items now list sorted by name first then by price.
Fixed Sound and Music Volume Sliders. Sound was controlling both Music and Sound, where the Music would never reset the music volume on cancel, which made the slider appear to be "stuck".
Fixed a bug that prevented shooting straight down at a target below you.
Item repair cost per point of health is now fixed to not include current health.
Fixed issue where if you right click on item in inventory and then left click on ground you would be asked if you wanted to drop the item.
Fixed so leave world and quit confirmation HUD would not come up repeatedly.
Fixed the bug that could cause a bad need to get triggered (i.e. the issue where random stuff happened when opening HUDs).
The client will no longer allow you to try to equip items directly from your bank.
You can no longer enter invalid characters in building names. You'll now get an error sound if trying to enter an invalid key in the name field.
Fixed a bug where the "Already trading" message was going to your target rather than yourself when trying to trade with someone already engaged with a trade.
Fixed a bug where items would be lost if you dropped multiple items on the ground.
Many fixes for login server/billing server stuff.
Fixed the behavior when 2 players attempt to log into the same account (previously one character would login and see the character select screen for a moment then get booted while the other would get kicked back to character select. Now the new user is allowed to login while the kicked user gets put back at the login screen).
Fixed a bug keeping trait runestones from dropping as treasure.
Fixed a problem where backspacing while typing in the Bug HUD could cause the client to freeze for a few seconds.
The Runegates to the ice island should now be working.
You should now get a better message when disbanding from a group.
The server will no longer hold on to client connections while saving core to disk during crashes (now you'll know immediately if the server crashes rather than be left wondering).
You can no longer put CSR's on your ignore list.
Fixed a bug where flying characters sometimes appeared to be "running".
Other Tweaked Stuff

Many mobiles should be using spells and powers now...watch out! (see known issues)
Combat closing is now off by default. When you initiate an attack you will still close but you will no longer continue to pursue your target unless you specifically attack again or turn combat closing on via the Actions Menu.
You will now start out with 8 talent runeslots and never get anymore than that.
Damage Shields have returned to a flat value instead of percentage based.
Lutes have been removed from the treasure tables; they should no longer be available to players.
Throwing weapons can now be dual-wielded and have gotten a range boost.
Duration on all Resistance buffs has been increased.
Sunsword is now called 'Holy Blade' and can only be used in the right hand (no dual-wielding).
All tracking powers are now granted at Grand Master level.
Scouts and Huntresses now get Track.
Blind has been tweaked again (now goes from 10% - 50%).
Trainer grants have been tweaked, so if a trainer can't help you try seeking one of higher rank.
Commander 'Battle Tactics' has been nerfed.
Price of Guild Seeds has been increased.
Range on Siege engines has been increased.
Water buckets have had their weight reduced.
Snares, roots, and stuns now have a chance to dispel flight.
Enchanter discipline has been (thoroughly) nerfed.
Unarmed damage for Sun Dancers now scales up as they increase in level.
Drains have been 'adjusted'.
Pets should be fixed again.
Production time on vendors has been (roughly) halved.
'of the Sidhe' type items should be working now.
All classes now get a variant of each Stance.
Sages should be buying / selling / junking correctly.
Barbarian 'Battle Rage' should now heal correctly.
Barbarian 'Battle Cry' now has a snare component.
Traveler trainer should be training powers again.
Wall Archers have increased range.
Most AEs now have a longer recast time.
'Damage Absorber' powers should now have the correct values.
The rate at which Mana cost on powers increases with training has been reduced until it can be better balanced.
Hybrid casters have had their Mana costs lowered a bit.
Guards should now aggro correctly against NPCs.
Peek no longer breaks Hide / Sneak and no longer has a re-cast timer.
Peek and Steal are now granted at higher rank.
Most specific (Poison, Blind, etc.) dispels are now granted at Grand Master.
Recovery buff powers should now all be in the same general range.
Bard Recovery buffs (only) will stack with other Recovery buffs.
Recall scrolls now have a casting time (and can be interrupted).
Training costs have been reduced, and 'spiking' should be easier at higher levels.
Most power durations will now scale with training.
Tweaked many power casting times, costs, recycle times, etc.
The Critical Strikes weapon powers have been removed.
Thieves, Assassins, and Black Masks now get a Backstab weapon power that does nice damage, but must be used while sneaking.
Several classes have had a few powers removed that were deemed redundant.
Adjusted Health and Mana grants so that Base class has a greater impact after promotion.
Shades now get Hide at 2nd level (instead of 1st).
Assassin 'Shadow Walk' changed to 'Passwall'.
Black Masks now get 'Poison Blade', 'Passwall', and gain access to 'Dagger Mastery'.
Only Rogues (except Assassin and Thief) can promote to Black Mask now (instead of Fighters).
Priests got some new powers - Heal-Over-Time (ST and Group) and Heal Stamina (ST and Group).
Reduced player corpse decay time.
AE powers are now capped at 7 targets max.
Integrated many new sounds on props and mobiles.
Tweaked Bring-A-Friend code to include more mobile types (note that if a mob calls for help and the assist comes from an NPC that's grouped, the rest of that NPC's group will come as well).
Sneak now always overwrites Hide to allow switching from Hide to Sneak without being revealed.
Added Holy resist treasure effects.
Innkeepers and Bursars can no longer be upgraded.
Barbarian's 'Vengeance' power now lowers defense instead of raising it.
Slightly reduced curve on mana costs when ranking powers.
Fixed various power costs (from when powers had changed grant level).
Tweaked power pre-reqs slightly.
Weapon powers have been re-vamped.
Reduced costs on stat runes (in game, not character creation).
Stances have been re-worked.
More types of talent runes should be dropping now.
Increased mobile density in most zones.
Vendor and trainer ranks have been standardized in hamlets and safeholds.
Knightsbridge has been reorganized to be easier to use.
Tutorial Tips have been greatly expanded.
Siege engines now do different kinds of damage and take different times to produce.
Characters with the Commander Discipline can now charm siege engines.
Rat Catcher's 'Call of the Sewers' now uses Stamina instead of Mana
The Fighter Trainer can now train the Spear skill for all those Centaurs and people with traits.
Known Issues
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Poison Blade and Consecrate weapon will not work unless the weapon is 'Identified'.
(Spell) Casting mobiles are quite powerful...
Mana cost scaling and efficiency on ranking powers is still being balanced
DoTs are still being balanced (most of them are too weak)
We are still looking at Bolt 'to-hit', but the Stances, Attack rating showing on power mouse-over, training costs and several other things should help quite a bit.
Graphical errors can occur when Shadowbane is run at the same time as other applications that are set to execute 'always on top.'
Siege engine related explosions for low detail buildings will sometimes not get displayed.
Command discipline does not yet grant Command power for siege engines.
Scrolls are always destroyed, even when the spell fails to go off.
Incorrect particle effect tied to the use of a Bane Circle scroll.
You can drop a Bane Circle on a dead TOL or an ancient city zone that has no TOL, though it has no effect.
We are still working on intermittent client crashes around certain zones. If you are getting these intermittent crashes you may want to try using the command /meshcache none.
To maximize frame rate, set dynamic lighting to low (DYNAMICLIGHTING= 0), and turn off all shadows.

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