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WilliamWallace的家園 https://www.gamez.com.tw/?546308 [收藏] [複製] [分享] [RSS]


The city I know is still changed every day, and I finally go back where I was. I can't take this situation anymore that I am a sad actor in the old drama film
09-6-6 18:58 回覆|
夫唯不爭, 天下莫能與之爭.
09-4-5 10:35 回覆|
天有不測風雲 人有旦夕禍福
09-4-2 23:47 回覆|
That was a game and dream. Even if her shadow was still in my eye, she is no longer in the song I sang.
09-3-31 21:43 回覆|
Fly me to the moon. Let me play among the stars.
09-3-25 10:55 回覆|
The sky is as gray as my heart, and the rain is as limpid as me. The dream is always beautiful, as the real world is always cruel.
09-3-17 08:48 回覆|
Tears represent to realize something and the taste of growing up.
09-3-13 14:55 回覆|
09-2-11 21:04 回覆|
  • 天貓: 我把她當成跟MSN的狀態藍一樣使用,反正開心就好了(拍 (2-9 10:26)
  • WilliamWallace: 感謝感謝 (2-9 14:32)
  • 伊莉亞: 就是把最新的心情點滴給放上去啦 (2-9 10:45)
09-2-9 04:03 回覆|


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