

I forgot when did I join the game, around the age of 14 i guess... that was 2003?
then quit it because not affordable...
but i only knew free sever until very recent...(that's a shame)
iro is the free sever my friend joined, Lv. 79 Hunter~
I couldn't give up things in cabal so probably I will return to RO later after I've finished things in cabal...

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voxfriend    發表於 10-5-1 02:08 聲望 + 3 枚

回覆 5# 小政 的文章

cabal 是黑色陰謀的說~在下是被黑色陰謀版給吸引而加入鐵傲的說~

RO是我初一的時候接觸的,當時好像很多人玩吧;在下玩劍士lv. 29...就放棄了,錢和時間都是問題;還蠻可惜的,錯過了免服...

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小政    發表於 10-5-2 23:44 聲望 + 3 枚
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