

回覆 #1 GOLD.D.ROGER 的文章


A=我  B=他
一進去聊天室他說:I'm not like all the rest.

我說:What are you talking about? You probably were talking to someone else few seconds ago. I have just come here.

他卻回答:Kingston is quite rainy as well, I could be able to manage.

我回答: I didn't talk anything about Kingston with you!!!

他又回答:You have talked to me for some time but you refuse to answer my questions.

我說:I have never talked to you!!!

他居然說:Yes you have. We got married yesterday. Stop acting silly.

我回答他:you are funny.

他局然回答我:You're funnier.

終於幹起來了~我又回答他:You are the most funniest and silliest guy in the world.

但是他又答非所問BUT not for you, BOT. What's your name, by the way?

最後我終於領悟了~~於是我回答:This website keep changing people to whom you talk. you were not talking to me few seconds ago. and you were talking to someone else.

他卻跟我說他的生日:My birthday Is in october.

我回答:You should tell your parent what day your birthday is.

他又回答別的話題:I should tell my friends about who?

我眼花撩亂的說:I don't understand???

他回答:you were not meant to understand, but to merely observe and take notes.

最後我解釋: I am not the person whom you talk to few seconds ago, and goodbye.

但是他堅信我就是一直跟他聊天的人:Yes, you are.

[ 本文最後由 霹靂無敵貓 於 07-6-19 10:10 AM 編輯 ]

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